
Welcome to Wings for Survivors. Admin are volunteers and we are still learning how to run a site so please be patient . We aim to consistently update the site with information to help and support our members.

7 thoughts on “Welcome”

    1. My apology for not getting back to you soon with hopefully we will get back
      withgood news .

      thank you for your patience
      Lawrie Higgins

  1. Thanks David We will get. back to you if you need and further assistance please contact us again Lawrie Higgins

  2. Thank you for starting this. My name was Tracey McNaughton, now Morgana Em, and I am 58, and just found out that I survived some of Victoria’s worst institutions. I was under a care and protection ward of the state order….

    1. I apologize for the delay we are under changers atm and will get back to you soon with hopefully good news
      thanks Lawrie Higgins

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